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dog licking up her pee

19 9:19:01

I have a 16 yr old Min Schnauzer.  She is in very good health.  I have her exam, including CBC, Chem Panel, urinalysis every 6 mos just to stay on top of things.  She takes thyroid medication which she has been on for several yrs and is within normal range when her T-4 is done every 6 mo. She is on Diethylstilbestrol (1mg) for incontinence which she has been on for about a yr. She is fed Science Diet I/D which she has been on for many years.  For the past 3-4 months she has started licking up her urine as soon as she pees. She can use the indoor/outdoor and she frequently eats the dirt after she has peed.  If she uses the pee pad or has an accident on the hardwood floor she will lick up all the urine. Of course I immediately stop her when I see her, but if I have been gone I can see where she has peed and licked it up by the area on the floor.  If she pees on the carpet she will also lick it up.  I have had her vet checked and she does not have any type of urinary infection and we have done cultures several times. She does pee frequently, but she has always done that.  She does not drink an excessive amount of water. Her routine/normal daily activity has not changed. There has been no changes within the home.  My husband and I are retired and are at home most of the day. We have another 12 yr old dog that she has always been with. I have tried putting diapers on her, but she will pee in them almost as soon as I put them on.  I change her at least 15 times a day. I would appreciate any suggestions that you could offer.  Thank you in advance for your time.

The only thing I can think of is to try to get her out more often and go with her so that you can pick her up (or distract her) as soon as she has pottied and get her back into the house before her mouth gets her into trouble.

My old gal is a few months younger than yours (16 in Oct.), and she spends most of her time sleeping, but as soon as she wakes up and starts walking around, we need to get her outside. Mine usually poops in the morning, and then again in the evening, and I can usually tell when she needs to do that because she seems to walk a bit faster. She goes outside about five times a day.

Since your dog does not have a bladder infection, you might try talking to your vet about changing her incontinence meds to something else. Proin is something that has worked well with one of our bitches in the past. Something like Cranberry Relief might also be helpful.