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My Beagles Greasy Coat

19 9:24:35

Dear Susan,
My 5 year old beagle is suddenly getting a smelly, oily, greasy coat. My family and I have no ideas on how to help her! We have tried bathing her every 6 weeks, which we were told to do, and it hasn't helped, her coat is just greasier and more grotesque! I need a quick answer to my problem, because my dog decides, no matter how much I tell her no, to crawl into my bed at night! Please help! My parents and I are getting worried on our girl's health. Also, I'm not sure if this helps but she is a little over weight.

Dear Emma,

I would first make sure there is no medical condition going on with your dog.  Next, bathing may help if you are using a medicated shampoo.  Ask your local groomer if she sells any.  Now you mentioned overweight, the food she is eating may be the problem.  I have seen dogs coats and skin change for the better when given a good, fresh, healthy food.  I am a rep for Life's Abundance and let me tell you if you can, switch to this food.  Also the Skin & coat supplement is very powerful in creating a wonderful, shiny and yes, nice smelling coat.  
My website is Please give it a try and let me know how your dog's coat is after about a month.  The Bath Fresh spray on my site is great to keep you happy at bedtime as well and that is very important.

Susan Potts,CPG
Your holistic pet place