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Pale gums, but no change in behavior! PLEASE HELP!

19 9:24:35

My 9 year old ,male, Pit Bull named Coal usually has very dark colored gums and inner lips.  I woke up yesterday morning and I looked at him and it was if JUST HIS HEAD was having tremors.  I checked his gums and they were very pale.  I immediately called my vet and I described his symptoms.  He told me if he started to act different to bring him in.  His appetite and bathroom habits didn't change.  He wanted to play all day.  Could he just be developing poor circulation?  Please let me know!


Wow Caylin, I would see the Vet tomorrow for some blood work.  Pale Gums can mean anemia.
The seizure-like activity warrents some blood work.

I am glad he is feeling better today but I would still bring him in tomorrow for a good check-up.

Good luck,

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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