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Socializing before shots

19 13:39:06

Hi I am picking up a Chihuahua puppy Fri. I do believe that it does not have shots. I cannot get an appointment at my vets until the following Mon. Should I keep the pup away from my other dogs as well as people until the visit? Thanks,

Hi Barb,

Congratulations on your impending puppy!

You should confirm with whomever you're getting the puppy from that he has or has not yet received any shots. You need to know where in the vaccine schedule your puppy is.

Many breeders give the first shots at about 6 weeks, then a booster at 8 weeks so they can go to their new homes, leaving last shots to be given anywhere from 12-16 weeks. Then he'll done for a year.

Until he's done receiving all of his puppy shots, you should not take the puppy out for a walk in any area where other dogs frequent, or take him visiting other households that have dogs. Even if the other dogs have been vaccinated, they can still carry germs that can be passed on to your unprotected puppy.

Please feel free to write back if I can be of further help.
Best of luck,
