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dogs fighting at feeding time

19 13:45:13

We have a 5 year old St bernard, and got a boxer puppy who is know 7 months old. They recently have begun fighting during feeding time. We feed them in separate areas, but when the St. is finished he comes up stairs where the puppy is eating , then the agressiveness begins. We have been trying to keep them separted, but even after they both are finished there is agressiveness towards each other, when they are near where the puppy is feed. The St has not been fixed ,and the puppy was nutered two months ago. Thanks for your help. Bob

Hi Bob;
Sounds like a determination on the part of the St to take over the alpha spot.
YOU have to be the alpha.
He is used to being the only dog in the race, now he has competition, and he is going to establish himself as boss.
Chew his little butt out good and tell him he is behaving badly and has to go to time out.
Then close him up in a small room, with no toys, just room to do nothing and be bored, and let it sink in that it is in his best interests to follow the rules the REAL alpha lays down.
If you have never gone through a basic obedience course with him, and he has just minded because he has never had a reason to rebel before, them maybe going through a course would help you get control of this little would -be Napolean.
Just like in reaising children, if they aren't taught who is the parent, and what the rules are, they will become little shin-kicking tyrants.
Take control dad.
Time out has always worked on all my dogs.
Make sure they understand it is a punishment.
It is just like making a child sit in the corner.
It really isn't such a cruel thing, and it certainly doesn't hurt, but they know they are being punished, and it is restrictive to their freedom.
So, they learn not to do what brings punishment.
PetsMart and Petco stores have weekend obedience classes.
Go down and watch a couple of classes and see if you thik this would help you teach Mr. Big to be nicer to his new little brother.