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Dog peeing without noticing (only twice)

19 13:56:50


I have a 1-year old spayed Pomeranian female. Last night, she was lying next to me and peed herself without even getting up, even though she is putty trained. She didn't even noticed she peed, though she was wet all over the place underneath, and didn't even get up. I only noticed that when I felt that my clothes are wet. This already happened twice in the period of 1 month.
Also, last night as she was lying on the floor, I noticed she's leeaking a few drops of pee/clear liquid every couple of minutes or so and then licks herself off. One moment it was quite a lot coming out without her noticing as she was lying on the floor, even though the putty pad was right next to her. There was a little puddle next to her private are. She was licking herself a lot that time. She peed on putty pad than (after all).

Please let me know what could that be, what is the cause of it and what can be done.

Thank you very much!

Thanks for your question.  Shes not spayed is she?  Because I think she might be in heat or if possible she might be pregnant.  Thanks what it sounds like to me if she is spayed she might have a bladder infection.  Take her to the vet to get her checked.
