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Concerned about Crested

19 14:05:29

I am concerned about my Chinese Crested and am wondering if you can help (the vets in my area are not familiar with this breed.)  She is 3 years old and suddenly her skin has gone very pale and she has lost her "body fuzz."  It happened over about 1-2 months.  This happened following a Christmas party when I think that the party guests feed her a lot of cheese.  She was sick for a little while, but is now totally back to normal.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Hi Tiffany!

This is a hard one.  The only time that my dogs "lose their color" is in the winter, when they don't get much sun. They are like people, as the sun will tan them, they can even get sun burned, so be careful.  I don't know why she would lose her body fur and go pale like that.  I doubt the cheese has anything to do with it.  Cheese will block them up, make them constipated, but change the hair growth and color of skin shouldn't happen. If she is acting fine now , not sickly, is eating and playing then I wouldn't worry about it.  But if she is sickly and not acting like herself, take her to a vet.  

God Bless,