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accident problems

19 11:06:25

I have a 1 yr old dog. I got her from the shelter in april when she was 4 months old. She is part border collie and something else. She is absolultly amazing. I crate trained her and I was amazed how quick she was to learn.  Once she was potty trained I didn't put her in her crate when I would leave. She never had accidents, or chewed anything. I have not had any issues until recently.  I went to my family in chicago for christmas and couldn't bring her with me bc flying in the cold.  I do have a roomate and he watched her.  The first day I left she pooped in the house.  I was gone one week.  Since then, very often when I leave she will poop. I take her for a walk always before I leave. I am going to try to explain this correctly....When I leave it is not that she goes to the bathroom fully rather  she just leaves a small nuggest poop. She is very clingy to me, and I kind of feel as if this is her way of saying dont leave me.  I have been putting her back in her crate now when I leave.  Even though she is fine in her crate, i would prefer solve this problem and not have to crate her everytime i leave.

YOu are quite right. Your dog responded to a change in her situation. Make sure you make leaving her a GOOD thing for her. Don't gush over her and make a big deal either when you leave OR when you come home. She will gradually begin to think it isn't such a big deal. For now continue the crating, but leave a tv on where she can both see and hear it. Have a nice group of toys that she ONLY gets when you're gone and be strict about that. Try to make them all toys that have treats stuffed inside, that challenge her mind and reward her when she figures out how to get to the treats.
She'll come around :)