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My Jack Russell/Rat Terrier Harley~skin!

19 9:22:48

I adopted Harley 6 years ago along with his mom Tryxie who is a Rat Terrier/Chiuaua mix. Harley seems about 1/2 Jack Russell. He has terrible skin issues. He's been on Prednisone, about every other year. He develops hot spots. In my recent research on line, I have been discovering that he may be getting a systemic yeast infection~ I do notice when he has hot spots that his GI tract is also involved. He has diarrhea and seems crampy. I will be changing his food (again! He wouldn't eat the expensive frozen organic stuff. He only wants to roll in it!) I have also seen some "treats" listed as miraculous but that is from the company selling them : )... I need to help my sweet Harley. Looks like I need to go find the new "soft collar" today, he has several wounds now on his tail end. I am giving him Benedryl gut don't have any Prednisone. I would love to resolve the problem.  Thank you for your input!

Hi Nancy,
It sounds like you are having the problem with vets and low fat diets.  Terriers need high fat diets.  Their high energy causes them to use the fat in their food within hours of eating.  To supply them with more energy, the fat is then drawn out of the skin.  This makes them itch and being a terrier they will chew themselves to bits.  Go to the local store and get Omega 3 fatty acids.  Give him one or two a day on his food.  Also get him a high fat food, for example Bill Jack, and you can add tuna in oil, or salmon in oil to his eating plan.
ALSO  HE MUST HAVE NO FLEAS ON HIM...Use Comfortis or Advantage, this works best on dry coated dogs..  For the hot spots he has now, get gentamicin spray from your vet.  It is a bit expensive, but it lasts well over a year and will help while he heals, it is also good for bug bits and bee stings that your dog may get.
Let me know how things work out for you