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is my dog ok??

19 11:48:33

hello ..

my dog is a 2 yr old border collie and i noticed that he was acting very wild. he is normally a lazy dog when i went around checking the yard (hes an outside dog) i noticed styrafoam everywhere. we were painting our garage and we had to move everything to the backyard so i puit all the danger things high above so he wouldn't get to it but then i noticed he got into a box of styrafoam and he was chewing on it then i noticed that he had a paint stick but there were no teething marks on it...

after at night i noticed he started to like hiccupp and he ran to the grass and started eating grass and my dads plants does this mean anything? if a dog eats grass does his stomach hurt? i asked my dad he said that their stomch is aching is this true?

will the styrafoam or paint hurt him?
(even though i think he only licked the paint?)

please help me


Dear Renae,

Please...take your dog to the vet immediately!!! Emergency!!!!  Something may be terribly wrong.  Both styrafoam and paint are toxic substances and if your dog got into them and is showing signs of distress, please go to emergency before it is too late.  He may be able to pass everything through and then again he may not.  Better safe than sorry.

Also, on an aside..there is no such thing as an outside dog...there are only dogs that are painfully separated from their pack family and forced to live in solitude outside.  Dogs are pack animals and being isolated from their family 24/7 is depressing and stressful for them.  Please give your dog a lot of quality family time because it is pyschologically unkind not to.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis