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poison ivy on my dog

19 11:33:36

I think my dog has poison ivy on his belly and inner legs. he is so itchy the rash looks like poison ivy. i bought him a anti itch medicine that has benzocaine, witch hazel, oatmeal and other ingredients. it has stopped the itching but will this help get rid of the poison ivy? what do you recommend? thanks for your help! carmen

Hi Carmen,

Dogs can get poison ivy on areas with sparse hair, such as the belly and inner legs, as you've noted.

The anti-itch cream you've bought that contains benzocaine probably isn't meant to be licked off, so you shouldn't use it on your dog. A really good, anti-itch product that's safe to use on dogs (because it's safe if it's licked) is 100% pure Aloe Vera Gel. You can apply it as needed, and it really helps with the itch, and to dry up the poison ivy.
You can find 100% pure Aloe Vera Gel at health food stores, and some pharmacies.

If you happen to live in an area where Jewelweed grows, you can pick the entire plant (except the roots), chop it up (so it fits in a large pot) and brew in boiling water for about 10 minutes, shut off the heat and let the weed sit in the water for about a half hour. Once cooled, you can put the liquid in a spray bottle, and spay it on your dog's poison ivy as needed to control the itch, and to heal the skin. You can use this on yourself too! It really works. Read more about Jewelweed here:

Best of luck,