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Dog Aggressive Chihuahua Dachsund Mix

19 9:33:09

I have a 1 yr. + mixed female. She does not like any dogs that we bring around, especially larger ones, and barks, snaps, growls, bears her teeth, etc.  We would like to adopt a 9 mo. German Sheppard, but i don't know the best way to introduce them without making the situation stressful and scary.  I have read about giving treats as positive reinforcement for good behavior but not sure how i can intro and feed. Do you have recommendations?

I don't know that the conventional techniques do much good, but meeting on neutral ground and keeping both dogs on leash should help.  Control your emotions.  She will sense any stress and blame it on the other dog.  Use the treats to keep her attention on you, and reward her if she is calm and friendly.