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Poodle feet

19 11:30:54

Is there an easy way to groom Standard Poodle feet?  I HATE this part of grooming.

Hello Claire, What exactly do you hate about it.  getting the hair off, then use a 30 or 40 blade for easier hair removal.  Your dog pulls?  Do the bottom of the foot first hold the foot upside down as if a blacksmith was shoeing a horse.  Make sure the blade is kept cool using koollube, a spray, and alternating blades often, have more than one 30 or 40 blade on hand.  Start shaving the foot at the nail and then slide back to get in between the toes.  Again if you start with the bottom first and get most of the hair in between the toes at this time, when you turn the foot over there will be only the hair on top of the foot to shave and maybe just a little between the toes.  Between the toes seems to be the hardest to get.  So as I said before do a good job when you shave the bottom and your foot shaving will go better.  I hope I have addressed some of the most often heard complaints, if not e-mail me a more specific question.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)