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my dogs bleeding slighty from his penis

19 9:21:03

hi my 7 year old staff has drops of blood forming on the end of his penis, theres no blood in his urine and he does'nt appear to be in any discomfort. ive examined his penis and just inside the outer covering and can't see anything that would cause him to bleed (im not a professional or had any training). its not pouring or leaking but forming dropletts at the tip, i let him out for a wee then when he came in i noticed 2 or 3 small drops of blood on the floor, about ten minutes after inspection and wiping away the blood there was a very small bit of blood on the tip of his penis again. after cleaning it again i let him out for another wee straight after, its been about 20 minutes since then but there doesnt appear to be anymore signs of bleeding. any infomation would be greatly appreiciated.

Hi Darrell,
I had this happen with a dog of mine.  You need to get him to the vet and get a urine sample to test for infection.  If this comes up clear you need to get a BUN (it is a blood test)  and have his kidneys checked for stones.   Does he seem to be drinking more water than usual?  That is an added sign of bladder or kidney problems.  The kidneys are probably the most crucial organ for a canine.  Once he has damage, it will never go back to normal and it will be a downhill slide.  So go get him checked ASAP.  If you catch these things early, you should have a dog that lives a long time.