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my puppy :(

19 9:28:37

Hello I'm not sure if you can answer my question but it goes..I have a
puppy who turns 6 months old on the 28th of this month. We took her to
the vet two days ago and had a concern because she was chewing on
herself just in one spot so the vet gave her vetalog tablets 1.5mcg and to
give her 2 daily. Later that night I realized she kept urinating in her sleep
multiple times. We called an animal hospital and they said to just
discontinue the medication. The next day we called our normal vet and
they said to break one tablet in half and give her one half 6 hours in
between the other half. But I read online that vetalog isn't good for
doogs and many bad reviews. I was wondering if there was any other
remedies for her biting herself rather than this medication that the side
effects are really affecting my puppy. Thank you!


I would try to find another vet, and explain your problem to them. Tell them you aren't comfortable with the adverse side effects that this medication is having on your dog, and were looking for another solution.

For the chewing, pick up some bitter-apple spray at a pet store, and spray it on the area. Dogs hate the taste, and it should stop the chewing right away.

However, it is important to find out why she's chewing on this one area. For that, get a second opinion vet.

Best luck :)