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Blisters aroound dogs mouth

19 10:00:37

I have a pit bull/boxer age 16 months..She has acquired blisters around her mouth..Where her whiskers should be and the bottom part of her lip..They look terrible but she doesn't seem to be in any pain..She does occasionally drool..I tried putting stuff on them but she licks it off..Should I take her to the vet..Thanks


Hi Isabella,

Your dog might have canine acne, but that is really a guess, being that I haven't ever seen your dog. Your dog deserves more than just guesses. It would be best if you had your dog examined by a veterinarian, so that you get the correct treatment right from the start.

Until you can get in to see your vet, use a warm water compress to open up the blocked pores. Soak a wash cloth with warm water and hold it on to the areas with acne until the cloth turns cool. Then wash your dog's face with an antibacterial soap every day to keep the area with acne clean. This will help kill bacteria and flush out infection. After washing, you can apply 100% pure Aloe Vera gel. It soothes the infected skin and helps kill bacteria. Put some Aloe Vera gel on the affected areas several times a day after washing the dog's face. It's safe if your dog licks it off.

Do not squeeze the pimples - it can be painful for your dog. More importantly, it will cause bacteria to spread beneath the skin, causing a deeper infection. Also, do not use acne medication made for people on your dog.

Best of luck,
