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Great Dane tear duct

19 14:23:19

I heard today that Great Danes are prone to blockages in their tear ducts. My dane, who is about a year old, has had a tiny bump in the ridge below his eyelid (looks like the area the tear ducts are) for a week or so, and I'm wondering if I should bring him in to the vet? It doesn't look red or swollen, it's just a small bump that wasn't there before. Are danes, in fact, prone to blockages in the tear duct?


You definitely should show it to the vet on your next regular visit.  Keep an eye on it, and at any sign it is getting worse, make a special trip for it.  

I don't have wide enough experience to to say if tear duct problems are common Great Danes.  You might be able to find out more starting at

Nobody can give good answers to all questions.  I am good in some areas, and admit it when I don't know.