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Pain med for dogs

19 10:59:58

My 7 year old Chihuahua was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. She takes 1 ml of phenobarbital twice a day. She is mostly under control except for occasional break through cluster seizures, for which I have been told to give her 1/4 of a valium, as necessary up to a total of a whole pill. Yesterday, she began clustering. Her seizures since she has been on medication are much milder generally than the unmedicated ones. However, she began a second cluster last night and seemed to draw backwards in her agony. She was blind for a while (normal, I know) and seemed to stumble around. Then, after her usual post seizure activity, she came to me for comfort. As I tried to hold her she began screaming and biting me viciously, as though in serious pain. Ever since then, she has periodically gone through this same process and has not recovered her normal spunky self. I'm thinking that possibly she injured herself during the seizure. I'm wondering what I can give her until I can take her to the vet. I know some meds are a no no for dogs, but she needs something to help her.

The screaming and biting is part of the seizure activity. Not really due to pain.  Sometimes brain damage occurs during these seizures and they are never really themselves again. If she's in pain you can give her a baby aspirin to ease her some. Try some soft, gentle soft tissue massage. Try to keep her calm and quiet,and everything around her calm, until you get her to the vet.
Good luck with your baby and blessings to you for taking such good care of her.