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my Brussels Griffon puppy

19 10:46:11

I have a question about my Brussels Griffon puppy.  Ralphie is about 6 months old now and the 3rd dog in our household.  He has two older "brothers", a 3 year old Brussels Griffon (Quincy) and a 1 year old Shih Tzu, (Amos). I like to think that I am very knowledgable in housebreakng puppies, as I did it sucessfully with my two other dogs.  I can trust Ralphie's brothers to be out in the house while I am away, they don't chew my things and don't have accidents, EVER!  Now Raplie is another story.  He has chewed my baseboards, and peed or pooped on every surface in my house.  I had to take up the area rugs at the bottem of the steps and in front of the back door b.c he peed on them abut every other day.  Since I took them up, it had seemed to solve the problem but now he is doing something way worse. He is peeing on very hard to clean surfaces and he seems to do it whenever he feels like it, but mostly in the middle of the night.  He started out by peeing at the bottem of the bed twice.  All 3 dogs sleep with me at night, and he peed right at the bottem of the bed all the way to the mattress.  I thought, maybe I gave him too much water, too late at night, so I stopped giving him water after 7pm.  Addtionally, I have been getting up around 2-3am every night when I naturally wake up for some reason, and letting him outside to pee. I have done this since I had him b/c I noticed that he couldn't hold it when I first got him and he would pee on the floor.  Well, he stopped peeing on the bed after I changed his water consumption.  Next thing you know he went downstairs in the middle of the night and peed on the sofa, right in the cushions and he really went alot. I managed to get that cleaned with special cleaner and my hose, so now that is cleaned up.  I thought this behavior was limited to the middle of the night, but then the other day a pillow fell off the couch and he walked over and peed on that right in the middle of the day, and after he just came in from being outside playing for about 30 min, and I did see him go out there.  He didn't even go that much, more like marking his spot maybe.  I woke up the morning and he peed on the carpet, it's just never ending.  My mom keeps telling me to be extra nice to him, not to yell at him, and to give him extra attention, so I have been. I am trying to get him neutered soon, but I am worried that once he had started this, he would keep it up. The other two are neutered and their behavior definitely has improved since being neutered. Ralphie never pees on the kitchen floor or anything easy to clean up, he seems to like soft pillow surfaces. He has been to the vet, and although they didn't do tests yet (very expensive), I really don't feel like this is medical, more emotional.  We treat all of the dogs the same and even take Ralphie out with us when we go on small trips just so he feels important. Have you ever heard of a Brussels Griffon peeing on everything in sight.  I would say he is housebroken, b/c he doesn't do this normally during the daytime, and can hold it for over 4 hours, but he messes at night. He used to poop in his cage EVERY DAY even if he just went before I put him in.  Then he would eat his poop, I would find traces on the newspaper. I gave him the stuff to make him stop and he ate it anyway.  He stopped doing this on his own about a month ago, but he got worse with the night peeing.  He is a pet store puppy.  I have worked at a pet store for 10 years and we had never had a Brussels in.  Six months ago we got one and he sat there for 3 weeks and no one wanted him b/c no one knew what he was, and he wasn't very cute.  I felt so bad I bought him since I already had one I bought from a breeder.  Sometimes I thik it was the worst idea I ever had.  I love him but he is driving me nuts with the peeing!!!  In the event that this is a behavioral problem, which I just know it is, is there any tips you could give me on helping this situation until I can get the money to neuter him.  Times got a bit tough for me, had a LARGE car problem that cost me thousands, and wiped me out.  I have to recover and save the money for the surgery. Until then is there anythign I can try, anything I can do?? I live ina townhouse with VERY thin walls and I can't have him barkng all night in his cage.  My neighbor already told me that he barks NON-STOP during the day, only taking a couple of breaks a day, probably to nap. My other Brussels coudln't stay in a cage at all b/c he had such bad anxiety he would almost hurt himself.  This is why crating at night isn't really an option for me, since I know that he has barked non-stop in his cage ALL DAY since I got him about 4 months ago. Please help!!!

This is a difficult problem, and i doubt is is speciic to Brussels Griffions.  i figure it is likely a leadership problem, not housebreaking.  Neutering will help when you are able to do it.  In the real world, you can't always do what you should.  If you are going to have an orderly pack, you are going to have to be a strong leader.  Expect more trouble as the 2 younger ones reach 3 years old.  The key to most behavior problems is approaching things using the dog's natural instincts. Dogs see all the people and dogs in the household as a pack with each having their own rank in the pack and a top dog. Life is much easier if the 2 legged pack members outrank the 4 legged ones. You can learn to play the role of top dog by reading some books or going to a good obedience class. A good obedience class or book is about you being top dog, not about rewarding standard commands with a treat. Start at For more on being top dog, see