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agressive scottie

19 11:52:12

We have two Scottish terriers, male and female, 10 months old.They have been very good and friendly.Yesterday we went to meet with other Scotties and had to leave soon because the male one was literally trying to bite all the other dogs, nobody could get near him.He was good to the people though.We are very worried now and don't know how to fix this problem.Is he protecting the female?They are not fixed because we are hoping to breed them later when they are little older.We like to go for walks with them but now we are afraid he might bite another dog.Any suggestions?Thank you very much

Marisa. you only have two options. You either hire a behaviorist right away to try to see if the problem can be fixed, of you neuter the dog. Either way it needs to be done right away. A good behaviorist is about $600. Neutering the dog will only help before the age of about 14 months...good luck