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Newmans Bloody Stool

19 11:59:07

I think my 4 year old Basset is lunch today he had blood around his bum after he pooped.  He seems a bit lethargic although he did eat some turkey & rice.  And I found some yellow bile in the kitchen as well ( although I also have a 3 yr old female Basset & a cat, so-?)He just seems a bit off...should I wait and see or go straight to panic mode, call the vet->??

Hey Regina. Thanks for being a concerned mom! I recommend you take him to the vet as soon as possible. Bloody stool is never a good sign. Sounds like Newman has some serious GI upset that needs to be treated with antibiotics. He may have gotten into something or caught a bug. Either way, he really needs to go to the vet. Let me know if I can do anything else to help!