Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Dog or puppy

Dog or puppy

19 9:48:33

QUESTION: 1. Do you think the money spend on dog or puppy worst it or a waste of money?

ANSWER: Henry;
That is up to you.
Happy Holidays,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 1. Can I avoid pet visit, my dog has Mange, can I just shampoo him everyday and that will do?
2. What is all the best food and treats for my Miniature Pinscher?

If your dog has Mange Henry;
You need to take it to the Vet for sure, to check what kind of Mange it has. Then it will need a special "Shampoo" plus some meds!
Go to :
As I mentioned before, they have the best Pet diets on the market, and Treats as well.
(800) 500-5999. They will ship right to your door.
Best regards,