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HELP....Dog pregnant by her father

19 11:59:50

Help...My 1 yr.old dog got pregnant by her father!  What's going to happen if she has puppies?  Will the puppies be sickly or will they just be stillborn?

Hi Michelle;
Some breeders of high dollar dogs will breed the daughter back to the father, to get more of the desirable traits of his bloodline.
This I have been told makes for superior bloodlines.
Don't know, never bred back that way.
I do know littermates breeding can have adverse results or can produce good pups, it is a sort of craps shoot with litter mates, but I have always understood that most breeders that approach a more scientific breeding program, breed father to daughter for 3 generations, but no more.
Best to check with a more scientific source then me.
Ask your Vweterinarian, or get in touch with the Veterinary college closest to you.
You can find the Texas A&M website online.
That is one of the three top Veterinary schools in the US.