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crested ears??

19 14:11:52

Hello :)
 I have a wonderful chinese crested, she is a powderpuff.  I was wondering if you know how old is too old to start taping their ears.  I have a feeling that she is too old for it, but I have seen a few recently on the internet with the ears after taping and they are so cute.. so I just have to ask :) Also, did your cresteds seem to tear things up for an abnormaly long time??  She still seems to demolish anything she can get her teeth around, and she is almost a year old!  Thank you!

Hi Tisha!

I just love Chinese Cresteds!  I have two hairless and one powderpuff.  I got my powerpuff when she was already two years old, so her ears already stand.  Honestly, I really do not know about taping, as I have never done it.  All of my cresteds were gotten as adult dogs.  I think you may need to inquire with a breeder.  Sorry I can't help you with that.

My hairless cresteds are very well behaved and have never torn up anything.  My powderpuff which is the newest of all three, has taught my other dogs to get into the garbage!  When they pull stuff out, they will tear it up, but mostly it's because they are trying to eat whatever is on it.  Be sure to get her hard rawhide to chew on, big pieces so as not to choke her.  My dogs love those and maybe thats why they don't chew on other stuff.  But be very careful , when they chew them down they get soft and can be a choking hazard.  I throw them away once they can get the whole thing in their mouth.  

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God Bless!