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dog freaking out suddenly

19 14:22:13

Hi--in response to your answer below, she is actually in the laundry room with the other dogs,they all get along well...and yesterday she escaped from her crate somehow---seriously she's houdini. she bent the metal 3 inches max and somehow got out. Maybe I should start a show, americas most amazing animal escapes. Physically impossible apparently means nothing to this dog. And now at night she's barking and whining after being in her crate 10 mins or so...she will obey and go in no problem but freaks out once she's in there. We've tried several behavioral things to help calm her that I read online, but nothing has worked. She's fine when we're there, not clingy or anything, and she has not shown any dominance issues with the other dogs.

We also got one of those dog pheremone air freshener type things, that worked for a day or so but now she's back to being very anxious in her crate.

Would putting her crate in our room at night help? The only other option I see would be to muzzle her during the day and let her roam free (she's well house trained, but will chew things in the the couch....doors, furniture...etc.) Though she might just be anxious then too...If she is loose in the laundry room, she clears the gate no problem. Since we have a historic house, I don't want to shut the door since she'll probably destroy it.

Before this dog i thought i knew lots about dogs and could handle problems! Shows what pride gets you! This is beyond what I know to handle. I'm sorry this is so long...I am at my wits end. I have NO idea what to do. Any other suggestions? I'm taking her to my vet to discuss medication if i can't figure something out...but I am so hesitant to do that as she truly is a wonderful pet (when she's not destroying furniture or magically escaping from crates).

Followup To
Question -
Hi there, thanks for your volunteer efforts on this website. I'll give you a little background then my question.

My partner and i adopted a stray, seems like a husky/border collie mix (fyi we have 5 dogs between us, all great, well behaved littler dogs). She was about 4 mths when we got her and is now around 1 yr. She's a submissive, GREAT sweet dog (but a very active chewer). We crate trained her very successfully and have had no problems with her (aside from her shredding all dog beds and toys).  We take her to doggie daycare 2 days a week, dog training class 1 day and she goes for runs/walks 3 days a week in the mornings, so she gets plenty of exercise and stimulation.

In the last month, she has cropped up with some behavior that i don't know how to handle. She has all of a sudden started being very destructive in her crate and exhibiting a LOT of seperation anxiety. We got her a bigger crate, but she's slowly destroying that one too. We come home to find that she has somehow chewed the liner, kicked it out of the crate (it's designed not to allow that--sigh) and bent some bars on the crate. There's also some 'water' on the floor of the crate that i think is from her drooling while chewing the metal crate.

I thought she couldn't tolerate the crate, left her in the laundry room w/ 2 of our other dogs (behind a baby gate) and she chewed the baby gate up and ate our couch and several other things.

I have no idea why she all of a sudden has freaked out, when from 4 mths to 11 mths she's been great. I have no idea what to do at this point. I'm afraid she'll injure herself one of these days, but she's an escaper and I don't like leaving dogs outside during hot texas days. Any suggestions?

at my wits end!
Answer -
Hi Sarah,

Sorry I didn't get your email earlier.  It sounds to me that your pup is now a teenager.  This is not really unusual behavior. So I take it that you are leaving her in a crate in the other room where she can't see the other dogs.  If this is the crate I would move her crate or even purchase another crate to put in the laundry room with the other dogs. Try this for at least a week and let me know how it goes.

I understand your frustrations.  My other suggestion would be to purchase an X-pen ( I provdid a linke below so you can see what I am talking about.)

if you have a space big enough for it to fit. I would not suggest putting it on carpet because she might try to dig or chew under it and then your carpet would be ruined.  It won't give her the freedom to roam the house but it would give her more room than being in the crate.  Usually the wire is stronger than crate wire too.

My other suggestion would be to try Bach's remedy drops.  These are organic drops that you can use for anxiety.  I think there is one called rescue remedy.  Here is a link for it
I would suggest that you put a few drops over her food in the morning and see how the day goes. However, check with your veternarian first to make sure she won't become ill. I am not aware of your dog's health background.  

If this doesn't work then I would suggest talking to your vet about prescription medications.