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Jack Russell has rash and some blisters

19 10:45:35

Hi we noticed recently that our four year old Jack Russell's belly is covered in what looks like a rash under all of his legs and arms and even on his penis. We have now noticed that there are blisters that have formed and some of them have scabbed over. We recently fenced in our yard so he has been out playing. Just curious if any of your dogs has gotten this. The odd thing is that he is not itching it which worries me that it may not be a rash at all. Any help would be great we are taking him the vet this week. He plays outside and then lays down the rest of the time.

Hi Erin,

Canine skin rashes can be caused by a number of things. Skin parasites (fleas, ringworm or mites), an allergic reaction, a fungal infection, bacterial infections, immune-mediated disease, or seborrhea. Rashes that are chronic with hair loss and do not cause a lot of itching are typically fungal in nature.

Because so many different things can cause canine skin rash, I can't begin to guess at what your dog's problem might be. Your dog deserves much better than guesswork, anyway! Your dog needs to be seen by your veterinarian.

Since it's very nearly a holiday (assuming you're in the USA) you may have trouble getting your dog in to see your vet before the July 4th holiday. Until you can be seen by your vet, try shampooing your dog with an anti-fungal shampoo, such as Lime Sulfur Dip, or Dermazole Shampoo.
This may, or may not help your dog, but it's worth a try until you can be seen by your vet. Report to your vet whether or not the shampoo helps.

Best of luck,