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can i have a dobe?

19 9:45:11

hi i'm a 15-year-0ld girl and my whole life i wanted a dig so now i can actually have one.I live in an apartment(it's big 130m)and i want a doberman.I go to school so now i don't have the time for it,so i'm planning to buy the dog in summer.When it is a puppy i'll be 3 months all the time with it training it e.t.c.But after summer i'll go back to school so i wont be home from 8 to 4 for 5 days a week.Of course i'm gonna take it for a walk it the morning after school, when i come back and at night.Also the whole evening we are gonna be together.In the mornings my grangma is home and my brother is returning from his school at 1 am so it wont be all alone. Would a doperman be happy in this situations?OR i have to choose another breed?Pleaze recomment me some....(midium or big size with a little shed)  

Dobes seem to do ok in apartments,and the best way to house train the puppy would be with a crate. If you can take it for long walks it should be ok,another breed to look into would be a German Pincher which is similar to a Dobe only smaller,but bigger than a Miniature Pincher. Greyhounds are also another dog that does well in apartments due to there calm nature