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yeast in ears

19 14:15:14

My Bitch has had cronic yeast ear infections since a puppy now just 2 years old.  I have had her to vets putting her on every expensive antib. available, she is ok on them within 2 weeks or so its right back, the scratching, bleeding from that to crying they hurt and get red and hot.
Is there maybe a solution like I did try vinegar, it did nothing, maybe u would know of something to do.  It is a waste going to vets and paying for his stuff.
I try to clean them and they are a red-brown mess and I feel so badly for her.  Fast as I clean what I can see, it seeps back up, looks bad.
Thanks for your time.

Oh my, Carrie. I bet that is a horrible thing to have to deal with, for you AND her.

I wonder if it might be an allergy. Has your vet tested for that? She could very well be allergic to something in her food, for example. What is she eating? Also, what breed is she? Some breeds are prone to ear infections, especially dogs from puppy mills and backyard breeders as opposed to responsible breeders that try to breed OUT these genetic faults.

Get back to me and let me know what food she's on, and I'll go from there.
