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German shorthair pointer - odd behavior

19 10:25:52

Hello, I have a german shorthair pointer that is a year and a half old. He has this really weird habit of running outside into his kennel and spinning in a circle at an extremely fast speed while barking at the snow.  He does this many times throughout the day.  He is a dog that has been trained for hunting purposes.  How normal is this and what should we do because it seems he has actually sprained his paw doing this; but he still continues?

Hi Keri,

I wouldn't call your dog's behavior abnormal. Many young dogs do this sort of running and spinning behavior when they're overly excited or over stimulated.

Because your dog has sprained his paw, you should restrict his activities until the paw has healed. That means you might need to walk your dog on a leash, so he can't run.

Best of luck,
