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my 6 yr old yorkie

19 9:46:11

I just received a 6 year old yorkie and she hasn't eaten the food that came w/her and she hasn't warmed up to us,how do I get her to eat,and since she's allergic to oil base products what grooming products are best?

Hi Telika,

Thank you for writing to me about your new Yorkie.  You haven't mentioned how long you've had her and she hasn't eaten.  Make sure she is drinking and if she isn't she must be rushed to the emergency hospital at once because she can become dehydrated.

To get her appetite up and running try some boiled chicken without the bones and mix a little white rice into it.  If she doesnt eat this menu then she's probably ill and should be seen by a vet as soon as possible.

As for grooming products, don't wash too often but when you do, pick up some organic products at the pet shop or on line...a high quality shampoo and moisturizer.  Make sure that all the soap is rinsed out so she doesn't develop a rash.

As for the chicken, if she shows an allergic reaction, switch to boiled beef or turkey or lamb.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis