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heartworm prevention

19 14:15:14

What kind of heartworm prevention do you use or recommend?  Can you safely use ivermec (ivermectin) orally once a month, which would cost less than a dollar instead of $12-$15 for Heartguard, Revolution, etc.  If so, what dosage would I give a 74lb dog?

Hi Carol, I personally don't use the preventative heartworm medications as I have seen too many problems with them. Bascially you are sticking a poison in the dog every month (more than one poison if you are using the combination products). If you are in a really heavily infested area (I would check with your county health department to find out how many cases have been really reported of heartworm diagnoses in your area) then I would decide from there if it was worth it or not to put your dog on the mdication.  Do a search online for canine heartworm medication and then check any message boards you find to see what results other people are having. Thats a good way to get a general idea what is happening to other people with these mediations.  Here is a good site with information regarding heartworms, preventives, treatments etc.  

Hope this helps,
