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Dogs getting along?

19 11:43:36

We just brought home a 4 1/2 month old Shi-poo about 5 days ago and I had
a question regarding his interactions with our 1 year old Yorki-poo. The
Yorki-poo is use to being an "only child" and is very "hyper-active". He loves
to play and seems to have a hard time understanding why other dogs don't
want to play with him all the time- sometimes I feel like he overwhelms other
dogs. The new Shi-poo is very much a baby and likes to spend most of his
time on the couch. I understand that he is still a baby and getting use to his
surroundings but I'm not sure if their personalities match. (The yorki-poo had
a playful personality from day 1). When they do 'play', I notice the older dog
(yorki-poo) biting at the little ones feet and snout, meanwhile the little one
gives little growls every now and then and seems to be looking for an escape
from the older one. IS this standard play or a clash of personalities? Does the
puppy just need time to adjust and develop a playful personality? Thanks for
your help!

No that is not normal behavior.  It sounds like what might be expected of a dog removed from its mother and litter too soon and spending too much time by itself without contact with other dogs.  It could take a long time if ever to overcome the results of poor early socialization.  I have more experience and training in doing things right than fixing things later.  I guess give the puppy a break and keep the older one from overwhelming it.  It may slowly play more.