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flakey skin peel after antibiotics

19 10:44:59

Our baby of 14 years developed an internal infection that his vet can not answer he says,so antibiotics was the answer. Now his skin is dry and flaking off in a sunburn form with clumps of hair pulling off also. The pills went from Cephalexin 500mg @8hrs to SMZ-TMP 960mg once a day. He has been sick since Nov 2007.
Thank You

Sorry, but if you read my profile before submitting a question, it CLEARLY states I have no medical training and to NOT submit medical questions (which you did anyways).  Sorry I tried to help with a suggestion to find a dermatologist.  I will make sure to just delete any further medical questions in the future.

I am not a vet, but it sounds like possibly your dog was having an allergic reaction to the first antibiotic (unless, he continued to have dry skin and flaking with the second one).  I would recommend finding a doggie dermatologist in your area and getting a second opinion.  Good luck.