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pug pregnancy

19 11:48:43

My pugs have been active in breeding for the last week, how will I know if she took or not?

Hi Billie;
I would not chance waiting to see. ?That takes weeks to be sure.
I have never raised a Pug or cared for one, so I don't know a lot about the breed, other than what I have heard or read, and I understand they can be a little delicate in their heaslth, and if they were mine, I would want pre-natal care as soon as p[ossible to insure a healthy litter, and healthy mother after she whelps.
Her diet will need to ne amended some, and she needs special care just as a human mother does.
I would take her in for the Vterinarian to check and confirm the pregnancy, and get the instructions for caring for her through her pregnancy.
Wheh those sweet babies get here, give each one a good lovin for me.
LOVE to smooch on babu puppies.LOL