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my dog is pooping blood just blood

19 10:02:51

QUESTION: I am losing my mind i have a beautiful blue brindle APBT 12 week old puppy that is acting strange he is now pooping blood and just did it was a stream of blood darker red than the last i gave him worm med's Friday then front line Saturday now his not his playful self he just sits there sad and hes been puking and today he was trying to puke and it was foam his snout was soaking wet but i think he was sticking his whole nose in the water bowl please help me him taking him to the vet in the morning but I'm losing my mind i lost my heart (JERSEY) to a horrible accident in April then last Friday my 1.9 lb Chihuahua had a c-section and had a beautiful baby and it died Sunday i feel like i cant do anything right I'm freaking out please help me;((:::::please he was playin in the water just now diggin his foot in it yet im worried;(;;

ANSWER: Dear Amanda,

I am sorry that I didn't get this question last night. It is now morning where I live (east coast) and I don't know if your puppy will still be alive.  When a dog is in the condition you described, you must rush that dog to the vet, even if it's in the middle of the night.  Most vets will respond to dire emergencies, which this is.

Please don't wait one more second.  Call your vet and ask that he see your puppy immediately because the puppy is on death's door.  Any decent vet will respond and try to save your dog's life.

In the future, please do not put so many poisons into your dog's body at one time.  Was the de-wormer from the vet or from the store shelf?  You have to be very careful with puppies and poison, which de-wormer is.

Please write back and let me know what happened.  I pray for your puppy's recovery.

Shelley Davis

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for ur info I took him to the vet though I made it in time got him in the car leaving the vet and told him we were going to make it threw this together he looked up at me and took his last breath I feel like a horrible person he had a parisite giardia he would have made it if I had taken him sooner he was to far gone I guess I just don't understand why the vet didn't do something to try to save him and why this is happing to me I have four more puppies which now another is doing the same I gave them all medicen that the vet gave me and sailine in an iv yet nautia has a fever of 103.4 what do I do now

Hi Amanda,

I am so sorry for the loss of your dog and for his suffering.
Your vet should have taken the puppy in and put him on fluids and intravenous antibiotics.  I would try to find a better vet in the future.

Additionally, I think that you need to spay/neuter your dogs and stop breeding.  This is way beyond your experience and things are going wrong.  Leave the breeding to the professionals that know the ins and outs of all the details for breeding.  Just enjoy the beautiful personal pets that you have.

Giardia is is being passed from one dog to another and they ALL have to be put on Flagyl immediately. Some may need hydration at the vet's office.  As for the puppy with the high fever, take him back to the vet (or another vet) and ask for hospitalization to save the dog's life.

Be careful that you or your family doesn't catch the Giardia.  It can be passed to humans and from humans to dogs.  Wash your hand thoroughly, wash the bedding, the floors etc.

Please keep me posted.
