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weird behavior

19 14:02:17

My dog (mixed breed) has started rolling in poop, not his or even all, do you have any idea why and what can stop this?

Hi Judy;
Just one of the disgusting habits dogs get to drive us nuts.LOl
I don't know what you can do about it, but keep them away from it so they don't have the oportunity.
I used to have a neighbor that had a lot of cats, and she would empty their litter boxes in the alley. One of my dogs would get out ( as soon as we found one escape hatch, he found or made another), and roll in that.
Talk about a disgusting mess.
I finally told her if she continued to dump her litter boxes there, I was going to bring him to her to bathe when he rolled in it. She stopped.
I really meant it! I don't allow my dogs to cause any of my neighbors trouble or inconvenience, I didn't see any reason for her to cause this problem for others.
If Rosebud got a chance to roll in something awful, he did it. The only thing we could do is try to keep his access to it to a minimum.