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Jumping on doors and window of house.

19 11:20:50

I adopted a 6 month old Rott from the pound 11/15/07. She had been there for quite some time, because she was on the kill list for the following week.
She is amazing!  Super smart and very willing to learn.  Sweet and grea with my kids.  However she has one problem that i cannot figure a solution for.  She jumps on the door and window and scratches when I put her outside.  This is quite a problem because she is VERY large. I don't know how to stop it because me opening the door is exactly what she wants.  I have been told to try an electric collar on its very lowest setting, however I don't have one and don't really want to get one for this. She is a quick learner and I don't think that the problem will be too difficult to rid, I just need ideas.
I think that she learned this behavior at the pound because all of the dogs just stood there on the fence, paws up.  She also comes in the house and uses the restroom sometimes.  I should clarify that we live in the country and she is free. Not penned, kenneled, or a full time house dog. She comes in when we are home and out when we are not, and at night. She has to go out at night b/c of the housetraining issues. I think that we can break the housetraining issues pretty simply, she has only loved us one week. SO, there's a learning curve.
Please advise.  Thanks, Candys

There's three ways of trying to solve this:

1) Well what you can do is go outside with her,and put a leash on her,and just let her drag it-and whenever she goes to the door to scratch it,give her a quick 'snap' back and say 'no'

2) When she goes to scratch,clap you hands and get her to to come to you(again while you are outside)and forget about the door

3) This one you don't have to be outside(just as long as she can hear you),when she goes to scratch at the door,put pennies in an empty pop can and shake them and say 'no leave it'