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RE; my min pin

19 11:51:37

I have a 9-10 month old min pin who is going to mate with a 2 year old min pin..sometime this or next week.  BOTH are flawless and perfect health with all required papers/documentation.  Our location is Los Angeles, California.  Is my dog too young to have pups? long do they stay pregnant for?..anything in particular I should be looking for/doing..does the male dog need to be with the mother (my girl min pin) either during/before/after pregnancy?


Hi Eric;
When I am not sure I can give the best advice, I look up a better source.
I searched breeding information on Min Pins, and found a site that I believe you can get an autrhorative answer to any question you have, MUCH better then I can give you.
Go to this website.

It seems to have the answer to any questions you would have on that breed.