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Neutered male

19 11:20:53

Our dog Winston is a male Newfoundland / Golden Retriever. We adopted him from a rescue shelter when he was 2 years old. (He is 6 years old now.) We were told he had been neutered. We have had no reason to doubt it until early this year when we noticed Winston had taken to hanging around a female up the road. We were told the female was probably in heat and, even though he was neutered, Winston would be "attracted" to her. Sure enough, when her season was over he quit going to see her. This past September she went into heat again. We caught him mating with her, the whole 9 yards. I really didn't think that a neutered male would / could do this. It was not just mounting, it was full penetration. We have examined him and there do not seem to be any testicles. In  your opinion has he really been neutered or not? Thanks for your response.

Yes, neutered males can and will still breed... they just shoot blanks. Most will not show much interest in in-season bitches unless they are right in front of their face. You are lucky you didn't lose Winston to a vehicle on his jaunts down the road.