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6 month mastiff x boxer

19 9:42:01

open feed, lamb %26 rice, morning stool starts firm gets looser during the day, by last stool at night it is diarhea. We saw a vet 6 days ago, we gave our pup the pills and med. in an oral type needle, for stomach parasite, called  ?metro, syringe called? pancar? on the 4 day meds, he was fine,now back to the runs. Drinks a lot, good temperament, vet can not re-check stool until after 7 days. what should we do till then?

I am not sure there is much you can do.  You could try a bland diet.  If a dog is having trouble keeping anything down or continuing diarrhea try this out of the manual I have from a large, knowledgeable dog guide school.

Bland recovery diet for dogs.

3 parts cooked rice, one part boiled hamburger or chicken, or cottage cheese. I think you can substitute boiled potatoes for the rice. Once in an emergency, we bought a plain baked potato from Wendy's.

This is meant for short time settling a dog's digestive tract. It is not the complete and balanced diet they need long term. I have seen it work.

If it doesn't firm it up, likely it will need more parasite remedies from the vet.