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Puppy bed wetting

19 11:36:42

 I have a puppy about 14 weeks old, she came from the animal shelter. So, I am not sure about her parents and how old she was when she was separated from the mother.
 She is wetting her bed. She doesn't sleep on the bed,she rather sleep on the cool floor. I tried to make her sleep on her bed, but she gets off and later when she want to pee she walks over to her bed and pees their.
 We take her out as frequent as we can (3-4 hours because of work), but the rest of the time she is in a some what large porch area that she shares with our other puppy.
 By the way, when we took her bed to clean she peed in the other puppy's bed.
 Why is she doing this and what can we do to correct it.

Hi Mariana;
Hard to say what goes through their little minds.
Dogs, both male and female will pee to mark their territory, so she may just be marking it as hers, and when you took it away, she took the other puppy's bad.
How to correct it without taking away the other puppy's bed, I don't know.
Scolding is not working, as I am sure you have chewed her out for this.
Can you put a doggy door in the porch, if it is an enclosed porch?
General housebreaking is about all I can suggest.
Maybe if you put down a puppy pee pad when you leave. She might go on that.
She would probably have to be taught that is what they are for.
Maybe collect some of her pee, by dabbing a pee pad in it when she goes, to put her scent on it.
If she goes on it, praise her and make a big fuss over how smart and what a good puppy she is.
I have never used to pee pads, so I don't know if they are waterproof. If they are, covering her bed with one should take care of the problem. She could go on the bed, and not soil it.
GEESH!!!!!! That is a new one to me.
Most times when they are peeing on someone else's bed, it is spite, but this doesn't sound like that.
Everything I can think of involves being available all the time until she is trained.
Does she do this at night too?
I would suggest removing both beds during the day. does the other puppy always lie in it's bed during the day?
That is a hard one to try and think of a solution.
I have only dealt with them wetting a person's bed, not another dog's bed, and it is usually spite for being left.
I don't think it sounds like a separation anxiety thing.
It really sounds like she may think that is where she is supposed to go.
If you could take a couple of days to concentrate on housebreaking. Maybe the weekend, so you could be with her all the time, to catch her every time she starts to go, and take her to where you want her to do it, praising her when she does it right.
Since she pees on her own bed, that is what makes me think she thinks that is what she is supposed to do. at the animal shelter, she had to go where she was, and most of them don't provide a bed, so she just may not know what a bed is for.
Is there a Man's Best Friend or a Petco or Petsmart near you?
They have puppy classes, and obedience training classes on weekends.
I am thinking about your talking to the trainer to get some insight about how to go about training her to where she should go.
Has she been hrough a housebreaking routine?
Im' sorry I can't be more help, but that is a whole new one on me.