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my pitt bull just started using the bathroom in the house

19 10:01:51

please help, my 8 year old pit bull just started using the bathroom in the house. She's never gone inside even when I leave until now. I moved to another state almost 2 months ago and thought maybe she was just getting used to everything. But it only seems to be getting worse. Any time I leave there is always feces or pee waiting for me inside. Even if I go outside to mow the lawn. She is a very well behaved dog and I've never had a problem with her until now. She knows what she is doing because when I come home she cowers like she knows she did something wrong. Please help!!!

First thing to check with inappropriate elimination is medical.  Have your dog checked by a vet to make sure she doesn't have an infection or any other problems.  Then, clean the area completely with a professional strength odor eliminator (one designed for pet stains/odors).  If there is nothing medical going on, then you need to go back to basic house training.  If you cannot watch her, she needs to be crated.  There could also be some stress issues going on.  You could try St Johns Wort or DAP (dog appeasing pheromones), but check with your vet first.

Good luck.