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Leaving the dog when going away

19 9:41:37

We are going away 4 a week. Other dog owners that we know want to look after our 7 mouths old Pushon (Lexi) and in return we will look after their 12 years old Coley x ?? x?, a much older and bigger dog. They also have a cat. I suggested to take Lexi to their house 2 see if the dogs (and the cat...) get on well. They said it is better just to bring Lexi on the day we go away and she will be all right. I know the family they are nice people, but I am worried. Do we need to go there with Lexi few days before we go away?? How do we know where is a good place to leave Lexi for few days?  Thanks


Hi Ed,

If Lexi has never visited your friends house before it would be best to let her get used to their house before you go away. If possible take her to your friends home more than once. It would be best to start this process in advance, so the dogs can meet and get used to one another. Even if the dogs already know each another, for Coley, having another dog in his house might rub him the wrong way. Allowing all the animals time to get used to each other will make this easier for everyone involved.

The first time you take Lexi to your friends home, stay a little while and visit with your friend. Before entering the house with Lexi, allow the dogs to meet outside, both dogs should be on their leashes. When both dogs seem relaxed and comfortable you can take Lexi inside your friend's house. Give out lots of treats to both dogs, keep it happy and upbeat. Let the dogs see that good times happen when they get together! The second time you bring Lexi to your friend's house, leave her at there for a short while, perhaps an hour or two. The more times you can bring her to your friends house the better, by the third visit (assuming she gets along with the other dog and cat) Lexi should be okay with being left for several hours, or even over night. At that point, she will have gotten used to being a guest in the house.

If Lexi hasn't ever been around cats she's going to be VERY interested in the cat's litter box (gross as that is). Your friend needs to prevent Lexi from having access to the litter box. Keep her leash on her when you bring her to the house that first time. If she tries to chase the cat, give her leash a tug, and tell her "NO!" before she actually tries to chase the cat.

When you finally take Lexi to your friends house before leaving on vacation, be sure to bring her bedding to your friends house. She will find the familiar smell of her own bed comforting.

If you allow Lexi to get used to your friends home, she will be more comfortable and self-assured when you finally leave to go on vacation. Though she's sure to miss you, Lexi won't be as stressed out if you give her time to adjust with these visits. The same is true of your friends dog staying at your home. Coley should come over and visit, and get used to being in your home before your friends leave for their vacation.

If it turns out that Coley is overly pushy or aggressive to Lexi, get a referral from your vet for a boarding kennel in your area. A good kennel will allow you to tour their building, and also allow you to leave your dog at the kennel for a couple of hours (for free) just before she's to be boarded with them. Also be sure that the kennel staff takes the dog out for exercise at least once a day. To stay at a kennel, Lexi will need to be up to date on her shots, and you'll need proof of her vaccinations. Some kennels allow a dog to have their own bedding at the kennel. Here's some more info on what to look for in a kennel:

Best of luck,