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Possible Parvo?

19 9:41:37

Hello, I really hope you can help.
I am worried or possibly paranoid about my dog.
We have a neighbor whose puppy was over 2 days ago to play with my dog because my neighbor felt it would "cheer him up" she thought her dog was depressed because her ex was no longer around.
That night she found out her dog has Parvo and he is now in a hospital on ivs.
My dog is acting completely normal. Happy, active, eating and drinking as often as always but today he through up all over the backseat of my car and it was whole chunks of food like he hadn't digested yet. (This is not the first time he has thrown up in the car and he also just ate before going to the dog beach and running around) I thought maybe he just had too much exercise after eating but while taking him out potty I noticed he has diarrhea that started today, It doesn't smell any different but I am still worried.

Is it possible for a dog to have Parvo without loss of appetite, depression or lethargy? Should I have him tested? I am so tight on money right now so I want to be sure it is needed before I waste money on a test because I am possibly paranoid.

Thank you for your help,


P.s. He had shots about 6 months ago but to be completely honest I don't remember if they were the first ones or the boosters. I just know the vet never scheduled a follow up appointment so I think they were the second set.

Dear Elizabeth,

Thank you for writing to me about your concerns.  Parvo is a very deadly disease and it's nothing to toy with.  You know for a fact that your dog was exposed.  You must RUN not walk to the emergency room.  The phrase, "better safe than sorry" was never better put than in this situation.  Your dog is already showing signs of distress.  You could never forgive yourself if he got Parvo and a simple visit to the vet could have saved his life.  At the very least, call your vet immediately and discuss the situation with him.  

Additionally, a dog should be kept calm for 1-2 hrs after eating so that he can digest his food.  Otherwise he's in danger of getting a life threatening condition known as bloat.  Time your dog's meals so that he can stay calm for at least an hour or more before riding in the car and running on the beach.  You should also give him digestive enzymes just prior to his meals (Prozyme from J-B Wholesale Pet Supply) and if feeding kibble, make sure you wet the food and let it sit for 5 minutes before giving it to him.  This will also help prevent bloat and throwing up.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis