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rottie growth

19 14:22:31

i have a male rottie ,hes bout a yr old now...we;ve kept him lean and off a high protien diet because of his displacia problem...hes coping well ..hes infact running and jumping and muscled well in his rear legs finaly...what i;d like to ask u r two things
1.when will he broaden in depth of chest & body whcih he still hasnt started too (pls consider the diet im feeding him 200/300 gms of meat protien and rest carbs,bread, pasta etc.. and bout 1 hr or less of excersice a day)..
2.when will he start his instinctive urge to guard ,as he doesnt even bark if a stranger rings the bell or nything!
   asides form this hes gorgeous ...thank you for helping  

Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you.  We were in the path of the Hurricane and lost power for several days.

As far as when he will boraden in depth of the chest, you need to research his pedigree and speak with his breeder.  You would need to learn his lines and learn when his family history is of doing this.  You should also know that large breeds are not done growing until they are at least 2 yrs old.  So, he still has time.  

As far as him having an instinctive urge to guard you and your home, he will only guard you when he feels a threat in most cases.  A good dog does not jump up and bark just because someone rings a door bell.  You don't want him to do this.  I'm not sure if this is your first rottie or not but it is a common misconception that people have about rottie that they are mean and vicious guard dogs.  They are actually quiet the opposite.  They actually are great family pets who will guard their family only when there is a need to.  A guard dog is made into a guard dog.  They aren't born that way.  

I do hope this helps you in some way.  If I can be of more help, please let me know.