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Dog question...

19 11:53:32

Hello. I have a 3 yr old chihuahua, may be a mix of dashund, I am not sure. She is all of a sudden licking herself more than usual. But not just her "down there", she is licking her feet and legs and belly. She also one night yelped for no reason and did it every few hours through the night but has not done it since. Could this be a sign that she may be going into heat? Also, could you tell me the signs of how to tell your dog will go into heat soon? I just got her a few months ago, if you haven't guessed. Thanks for taking your time, Jessica

Pleas take your dog to the vet to have her checked out.  There are a few minor reasons why she is licking, but there could also be some important reasons.   I don't like that she was yelping, she may have an infection and is uncomfortable