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dog biting out of character.

19 14:24:10

I am dog-sitting a French Shepherd for friends. I have done this many times and have never had a problem with him; he is friendly and affectionate with both adults and children.
However, today I had visitors; a father, two daughters and his 9 year old son. Spike (the dog- male) immediately went for the boy, completely ignoring the other three visitors. He bit and slightly broke the skin of the boy. This is completely out of character. I can only imagine the dog has become territorial in my house but that does not explain why he singled out the boy.
I am worried that this might occur more often and would like to know what explanations there could be for such behaviour so that it can be helped. We enjoy taking care of Spike and it would be a pity if I had to refuse taking him on for fear that he might do the same again.
Thank you for your time,

Hi Sarah;
I have never heard of a French Shepherd.It is not a recognized breed by the AKC. I am wondering if this could be a Briard. It is a large dog of the herding class, and is a French breed. I put French Shepherd in the search engine nd couln't get a picture of it, or any mention of it. I can uually find breeds that are not recognized by American Kennel Club by putting the name of the breed in search. I found "Herding in France" and went to that site. There was a picture of a Briard, a Picardy, and at the left hand bottom side of that picture is the word shepherd.It looked sort of a mottled white. The picture is rather small and I can't see it very well. There is a picture of darker colored dog at the top of the page. It is just a silhouette almost. It has the confirmation of the Picardy.
 Now, to the problem. My first instinct is that the dog saw harm in the boy. This may be a child that likes to taunt animals.When a dog singles out one person like that, and is not accustomed to aggressive behavior, it has been my experience that person will harm an animal if they are not watched.
Usually a dog will just growl and refuse to be touched by the person, or let them near it. For the dog to run to the child and bite, I think it was warning him, "I WILL bite you, so leave me alone"
Is this a child you know well?, and does he get along with most dogs, or do all dogs stay away from him?
If he were just being territorial, or protective of you, he would have gone for the father, not a child.
When a dog dislikes a person, and is usually a well mannered dog, and likes people, it is because they know something about that person.
You have to discount this in the case of a little shin kicking brat mutt that has been allowed to bite and do as it pleases.But when a dog who gets along with people and accepts strangers around it suddenly goes for a person, the dog sees harm, or downright evil in that person. You can annalize people after you have made a study of people. You can read body language, manerisms, and voice inflections, a number of tell tale signs into their personality, but animals read your soul.
I am not saying this child is a bad seed, but when children are tormented by bullies, older children, or abused at home, very often they take out their aggressions on animals.Animals can't tell on them.
They do one of two things where animals are concerned. they take out their aggressions on them, or they go to animals for understanding they cannot get from the humans in their life. If this wee my child, and I knew he was not abused at home, or being picked on by bullies, I would look to a family member or friend who is abusing him.I would look closely at everyone who mhas contact with my child.
Some strange things happen to children, and no one suspects.
 Once in a while, though it is rare, there is a person born who is just mean, but usually there is some sort of abuse going on. It may not be physical abuse. It may be just verbal.
Since the dog has not acted this way before, I would think it is not likely to happen again. I would really pray for that child though, and if you know the parents well enough , approach them with the possiblity their child my need to be talked to and see if there is someone harming him.
I know most people don't want to get involved, but I am a nosy old broad, and I would chance ruffling some feathers.
I was a severly abused child, and my mother was the abuser. I would not have kept my sanity had it not been for my animals. After my father died, my life became hell, and she knew where to hit without leaving visable marks. To keep her outward appearance of being a sweet person, she allowed me to have pets. I lived in a world of my pets as my reality, until I was old enough to get away from her.I wish someone had intervened when I was little.
Geesh, didn't mean to get into a phychological dialogue or a pity party. I raised myself very well, and because of my closeness with my animals, I grew up stronger.
It may be this with the child, or it may be just a personality difference with he and the dog, although I doubt it. animals don't get sideways of people, like other people do.
Hope this helps you. If you feel I can help in any way, fel free to write me.