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heartworm preventative

19 14:22:16

hi-i have 8 dogs-just wondering if i can purchase heartworm preventative medication anywhere for them outside of a vet .
also,any idea what a jelly -like red,brown consistency of the feces may be?
thanks so much for your time

Hi aj,

You can get heartguard online and even some pharmacies will sell it to you, but you have to have a prescription.  A vet is not going to give you that unless they are checked first.  The reason?  If your dogs are over six months old,  and already have heartworms, the prevention will kill them.  I know what its like, because I have six dogs myself.  I put all of mine on the prevention before they turned six months, and now I buy one box a month which gives each one a pill a month.  

What you are describing could be worms, could be coxxidea which is like a parasite.   Take a sample to your vet and have it tested.

Good luck and God Bless,