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neutered dogs mating

19 9:25:02

We have a neutered jack russell and he got stuck to our Chihuahua. Can this happen well i guess it can because they were stuck but can he produce sperm?

couple of things:

If he was recently neutered, he can still mate with your Chihuahua and may have enough sperm floating around to produce pups

If he was neutered after he had previously been mated, the interest may be there because it is in his brain not his hormones.  So he will remember and still want to mate.

Most males lose interest because of the drastic reduction in hormones, but there are some out there that remember the pleasure and still want to mate.

I don't know how long ago your JR was neutered, but your female coming into heat may still stimulate his brain.

Lastly, if he had only one testicle dropped when he was neutered and they didn't see another anywhere, then there is a slim possibility that the second one finally came down and he can reproduce.  I have heard of this happening.
