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How many days do i wait before breeding

19 14:01:09



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Question -
My miniature schnauzer will be three in september she went into heat last tuesday I already have the stud picked out to breed her with but they are currently out of town. They will be back tomorrow on tuesday wich means she will have been in heat for seven days my question is is it too late too succesfully breed her now or do I need to wait until she goes into heat again. if so how long before she goes into heat again so I can be better prepared. And with her being almost three will it be unhealthy for her to breed because if it will than I won't and will instead get her fixed. I hope you will be able to get back to me soon. Also what are the signs to look for to tell if she did get pregnant and do I need to leave her with the stud for a few days or will they breed immediately.Thank you for your time.

Answer -
1- Your schnauzer should be fertile to breed between the 12 and 14th days.  Since the sperm lives a couple of days, breed her on the 11th day and the 13th day.  Her vulva should be very large and the discharge almost clear.
2-Signs of pregnancy are:  Swollen vulva, swollen nipples.  This will happen at approximately a month.  If she develops milk at this time she is probably going through a "false" pregnancy.
3- Bring her to the stud, If he is experienced he will do the job.  If he is not, he may need help.  If he needs help, you may want to use an experienced stud the first time.  It's amazing how much first time breedings don't do well.  IF you get a good breeding they should stay "tied" for about 20 minutes.  This allows the sperm to get a chance to reach the eggs

Good luck   Write me back when you know she is pregnant.  It is 63 days to deliver

My vet had mentioned that she was too old to try to breed her now is this true she is extemly healthy and on a strict diet. Alsodoes she need to get to know the stud or is this something automatic for them. thanks again and for your quick response

This is not true.  However, her bones are not as pliable as when she was a bit over a year old.  If she gets pregnant you MUST read up on all the signs of a "troubled labor" and keep your vet on call when she is due.  No labor should be more than 24 hours without a c-section.
There are a bunch of books on breeding and whelping out there.  Read them if you want to have a safe delivery and healthy pups.
If she likes the stud, she will accept him within a few minutes.  If she doesn't  you have the option of artificial insemination or using a different stud.  They do have their preferences.   I had one female who would only breed with one chosen male, and she did the choosing.
good luck nancy
Ps good to see you are concerned